
Tue 5/29/12 4:51 PM – Reversal or Bump?

There is a lot of bad news out there and plenty of belief that worse is yet to come regarding Euroe, particularly Spain and Greece. Spain's banking worries are really rising and it will likely have to dump tens of billions into them to prop them up, something that...

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Sat 5/26/12 11:42 PM – Healthy Spiritual Diet

Some things that are essential to your spiritual diet only grow in valleys. Others grow on the plains. Little grows on mountain tops and nothing on which you can long support spiritual life. Mountains are for exhiliration and to serve as markers to which you can point...

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Fri 5/25/12 11:51 AM – World Economy is Slowing

Let me commend two articles to you today. One is in the WSJ and the other the NYTimes and both address the issue of slowing world economic growth. New Signs of Global Slowdown on the Wall St. Journal site » After Barreling Ahead in Recession, China Finally Slows...

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5/25/12 11:40 AM – Allocations to Stocks Are Down

According to John Authers and Kate Burgess of CNBC public pension funds have lowered their allocations to stocks over the past 10 years from 70% to 52%. Since 2007 individual investors have pulled money out of stocks each year so that net flows for mutual funds are...

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Thu 5/24/12 4:27 PM – What European Austerity?

All you hear on the news is that Greece is being killed by Draconian austerity measure forced on them by Germany and other financiers of Greece's enormous debt. Actually, as far as actual cuts in spending are concerned this drastic, crippling austerity worthy of riots...

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Tue 5/8/12 2:38 PM – Stocks Head Lower

Last week I had a post that included the phrase deja vu, the feeling that we have seen or experienced something before. If you are a fan of the movie The Matrix you know it as a sign that something is not right. Well here we are in mid-May 2012 and both the economic...

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Fri 5/4/12 2:41 PM – Economic Deja Vu

The unemployment report came out today and was for the second month in a row, disappointing. The market headed lower but Europe was partly to blame as their markets had been down 1% by the time ours' opened. So far 2012 rhymes with 2011. In the 1Q of 2011 economic...

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