
Mon 12/19/11 1:34 PM – Cloudy, with a Chance of Santa

No sign of Santa yet - the normal "Santa Claus rally" that runs the second half of December and often well into the first quarter is nowhere to be seen yet. Meanwhile, markets in Europe and the US continue the pattern of starting out the day well and seeing gains...

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Fri 12/16/11 9:46 AM – Is Consumer Price Index Right?

Today the CPI was reported as being flat from last year. What? - you say, how can that be since I pay more for things than I did last year? The answer is a little complex but simply put, because of the tremendous incentive for the government to understate the CPI - it...

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Thu 12/15/11 11:20 AM – What is the Cost of Your 401k Plan?

There is a new government requirement that employers with a 401k plan disclose to participants the costs. If you are an employer, you need to look at your plan to find out the costs and see if they are as low as they should be. For the majority of people reading this...

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Thus 12/15/11 11:05 AM – Real Unemployment is Much Worse

I ran across a very interesting article at this address The article makes the point that if the same number of people were looking for work today as in 2007 the...

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Thu 12/15/11 10:00 AM – Gold Drops 15%

Gold is now off 15% from its recent highs. As you know, I have an automatic sell rule when a security drops 15% so we will be selling gold. However, I like gold for the long term and see buying it back again at lower levels. It can go another 10-15% lower as people...

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Fri 12/9/11 4:03 PM – Can Europe Move Off Center Stage?

I think US stocks would move higher if Europe can be removed from center stage. The question is, "can it?" Can Europe take a bow and let the US economy have the spotlight for a while? The agreement was reached today between all 17 Eurozone countries and all but one EU...

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