Is Your Medical Info on You in Case of Emergency?
Hopefully, you have a will, a medical directive, a health care power of attorney, a general power of attorney, a detailed list of medications, medical conditions and allergies and a list of emergency contacts, all in case you end up in a serious medical situation. I’m...
The POOR Investment Being Recommended Now
One reason the stock market fell sharply last week was new worries about inflation. So, Morningstar and others are recommending that you buys TIPS - Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities. Their reasoning is that because twice a year, the value of a TIPS is...
Why Products You Buy Don’t Last
Remington, one the oldest names in the outdoor industry is going bankrupt. This might seem odd because gun makers sold a ton of guns and ammo during the Obama presidency and stocks in that industry did exceptionally well. Some of you know I write articles for outdoor...
Your 401(k) Fees Probably Went Up 10-20% in 2017
Your 401(k) account was up 10-20% in 2017? Good, but so were your fees. If costs are paid as a % of plan size, whenever your plan grows, fees grow, automatically. It's outrageous. It's automatic & nearly silent. You'll likely never get an invoice. You'll just get...
Schwab Market Update – Liz Ann Sonders
For my $$, Liz Ann Sonders, Chief Market Strategist at Charles Schwab is better and more interesting than any I've heard, though I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Bob Farrell, the legendary market technical analyst who helped me guide my clients in the...
Hurry, Deductions & Credits are More Valuable in 2017
The federal tax bill was signed by the president last week, squeezed in just before year-end. That gives you an extremely short window to take advantage of the greater value of losses or expenses this year. Tax brackets are dropping in January (next week), standard...
Follow Up to Bitcoin Post
Earlier I posted comments on the bitcoin phenomenon and mentioned its meteoric rise this year, which was then 17 times and went up shortly afterwards to roughly 19 times. As a follow-up, bitcoin is down this week from nearly 19,000 to about 13,200 and is down 15%...
Why All the Excitement Over Bitcoins?
Why All the Excitement Over Bitcoins? Bitcoins are maybe the most unique and potentially revolutionary financial instrument to come along in a very long time. While to many people they are an esoteric, extremely complex instrument they have only barely heard of and...
Did Your Plan Costs Increase 20-30% in 2016-2017?
Congratulations on a nice growth in retirement plan assets in 2016 and 2017. Now, how much did your fees go up? If you have a single provider for your retirement plan and your plan assets are under $25 million, chances are very high that your plan fees went up at...
Is Morningstar Mutual Fund Research Worthwhile?
Recently, the Wall St. Journal, the most wisely read financial newspaper in the U.S. ran a long research article very critical of the Morningstar rating rating system that awards funds 1 to 5 stars. The ratings are very widely followed and are the basis for a great...
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